Sunday, February 14, 2010

HP - Look who is here!!

I have not read these yet. Reflections have always waxed eloquently on the inimitable HP and a little seed was planted. Got the whole set of 7. Will there be more? The son has finished 2 books already in 4 days! I don't know whether to be mad at him or amused. I am going to start from Book 1. This Percy Jackson movie is what brought it on. I thought if he can be that gaga over it, then he must like Harry H Potter and who am I to stand in his way? Being a little harried lately I won't be able to read it in bits and pieces from the Library and so got the whole set to read at leisure. It looks nice and feels great to have a whole series waiting to be read. So there it is. I am er...soon will be.. one of you. Checkout JK Rowling's page for details if you haven't already.


Reflections said...


Reflections said...

Finally huh... I had given up on u actually;-/

Ok now dont judge the series as soon as u read the 1st one. The 1st 2 are nice, they sort of set the scene u knw, but the real 'stuff' starts from the 3rd book;-D

lan said...

i promise not to judge it on 1 & 2.
my 9 yr old son has reached #4 and it looks like the sheer size of it has slowed his pace a little bit. he's been after me to start reading so we can discuss it endlessly:-)