Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day School Projects

My son's favorite subject in this world is Science and he showed his passion with this covalent bond project they had to do in honor of Valentine's Day. It shows the (romantic) bonding between Mr. Phosphorous and Ms. Iodine. He named them Phosphoromeo and Triiodideiet:-) I thought it was cute and funny and had to take a picture when I spotted it in his hands in the morning. He said he got a standing ovation for presenting it. But no matter how much his Dad and I beg, he refuses to present it to us without his material. The poster is being used to decorate the science lab along with that of all the other students and he says he will do the presentation for us once he has the material back with him. Ok we will wait.

My 4th grader on the other hand is just starting serious projects from this year onwards. I remember helping my son on a similar project when he was in 4th and second time around things are a little easier. Like him I know she will start doing them all on her own soon too. How time flies! This is the front page of the newspaper she had to do based on 'The Bridge To Terabithia'. She said she didn't want to color her drawings. She prefers them to be black and white but had to color them as a requirement. Being the biased mom that I am, I actually like it. We had watched the movie on a plane trip long time back. I watched it on and off and so don't have a good memory of it. It was sort of nice to relive the story while helping her on the project.


soulsearchingdays said...

Hey lan, congratulations! your son seems to be a budding scientist with enough emotional quotient thrown in and I can imagine how proud you might be about the standing ovation. You are right second time around we are so confident and take things in a bit more relaxed way. I also insist on my children doing their projects on their own, I only give ideas, though she keeps saying that all those children get A+ for whom their parents does the job, but then I tell her that even if you get a B+ or A, it is all for your own effort and that is what matters, isn't it??
Take care

lan said...

thanks ss. the ovation was in his small classroom of 36 kids but he was proud to tell us about it i liked the confidence it gave him. i agree and i do tell them that they have to do their own jobs as it is not my homework but theirs. it is great to see them slowly getting responsible and developing their own system to finish projects completely on their own!

Reflections said...

Totally impressed with how ur son themed his science project. Not at all surprised he got the standing ovation.
Ur lil girl's newsletter looks really good....zooomed in and saw all the lil but important details which goes into making her newsletter a winner:-).

lan said...

thanks nance. kids these days are all very imaginative and have the avenues to express them which is great. i had always liked naina and nikita's works that you post. so creative!